Ultra Plush Wheel Washandschoen
The Ultra Plush Wheel Mitt is the best wash mitt for safely cleaning wheels and getting the most out of your wheel cleaning products. It was developed by professional detailers as the ultimate wheel washing accessory.
Designed to give your wheel cleaner the best access to every part of your wheel - including the most typical hard-to-reach places such as behind spokes and other tricky recessed dirt traps - the Plush Wheel Mitt is made from a series of soft microfiber strands that vary in length and flow freely across painted, polished and powder-coated wheels glide without the risk of dragging contamination across these relatively sensitive surfaces. The specially designed split microfibre pile has a hugely effective surface, developed with the dual purpose of moving wheel cleaners for maximum contact and cleaning power, and lifting harmful grit and grime, forcing sharp particles deep into the material and away from the surface. surface of the wheel – the best way to prevent scratches, swirls and damage during the washing phase.
Suitable for safely cleaning all alloy car rims - and a must for protecting rims with the most sensitive finishes - the Plush Wheel Mitt is specially designed for maximum functionality and control. This special wheel mitt has internal finger compartments for maximum grip, along with a wide, cuffless opening for easy access even when wearing protective gloves.