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Gyeon Q2 AntiFog

Gyeon Q2 AntiFog Gyeon Q2 AntiFog

Gyeon Q2M Antifog is an addition to Q2 View and therefore protects all glass on the inside! During autumn and winter the glass can quickly evaporate due to the damp environment, clothes and the temperature fluctuation. By using View on the exterior and Antifog on the interior, this annoying effect can be greatly avoided, which increases safety!

Because some windows are difficult to reach, ease of use and durability were very important in the development. One application already ensures a minimum of 2 months of protection.

A bottle of 100ml AntiFog is sufficient to protect the glass of a large car during a long winter. One application consumes + -20ml of product and will offer + 2 months of operation.

€ 12.00


Gyeon Q2 AntiFog€ 12.00View

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