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Spirit Carnauba Car Wax (For Metallic Finishes)

Spirit Carnauba Car Wax (For Metallic Finishes) Spirit Carnauba Car Wax (For Metallic Finishes)

The Auto Finesse® Spirit Carnauba hard wax has been developed to enhance metallic and pearlescent paint finishes, while offering protection for up to 3 months.

Blended with natural waxes and oils, including 50% T1 Grade Brazilian Carnauba Wax, Spirit Carnauba hard wax's visual clarity, crispness, and gloss makes pearl and metallic paints truly sparkle.


Before waxing, make sure that the vehicle is clean and cool to the touch. If bonded contamination is present, use a clay bar to prep the surface for best results. If the paintwork is lightly marred, or the vehicle has not been polished in the last 6-12 months, it is also advisable to use a pre-wax cleanser in order to create the maximum shine. Place a foam applicator inside the pot of car wax, and rotate it a quarter turn to prime the pad with product. This is typically enough wax to protect a single moderately-sized panel, though this may vary depending upon the condition of the paintwork. Apply the car wax to the panel with small, overlapping circular strokes, light pressure, and in a consistent pattern to obtain full coverage of the paint. If the applicator feels like it is starting to run dry across the surface, or coverage becomes uneven, return the applicator to the container using another quarter-turn of the pad to re-prime the foam. The goal when waxing is to apply the product as thinly and evenly as possible, since a little bit goes a very long way to protecting and enhancing the shine of your vehicle.

Once you have completed one normal-sized panel, or half of a large one, move on to another section of equal size. When you are done waxing the second section, you will be ready to buff off the wax from the first using a plush microfibre towel. Continue until all panels are complete. If the wax has been allowed to dry, or ‘secondary hazing’ of the wax occurs (a phenomenon which can sometimes happen in hot or humid climates, especially if the product was over-applied.), you can use a water-based quick detailer to help ease removal of the residue. When applying multiple layers of wax for extra depth, wetness and protection, make sure to wait at least 3 hours in between coats.

For best results, do not wax the vehicle if the ambient temperature is below 6 degrees Celsius, or above 25 degrees Celsius. Waxing in direct sunlight, or conditions of high humidity can respectively lead to over, or under-curing of the product before removal.
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