For a truly efficient car wash this next-generation aqueous cleaning agent is able to tackle the most adhered contamination with ease. By employing a specially-developed combination of state-of-the-art surfactants and lubricants, Lather will effectively break away bonded contamination, pulling grime away from surfaces on a molecular level. These specialised surfactants are designated ‘polar’ molecules which are both hydrophobic and hydrophilic. This means that they are attracted to water at one end while simultaneously repelling water (and attracting grime particles) at the other. Using this mechanism, millions of surfactant molecules are able to seek out, lift and surround dirt particles, pulling them from surfaces and suspending them in the solution. With the addition of advanced lubricants, this allows potentially harmful grime to be safely extracted, slipping across surfaces without the danger of scratching, and making it safe for the contamination to be quickly and easily rinsed away without leaving behind any residue.